
Monday, August 22, 2011

Meatless Mondays

Two words, meatless Mondays, and I mean exactly that. Try and eat meatless at least one day a week to help our food system. By eating meatless one day a week, you can… help support local farmer’s by purchasing fresh produce at framer’s markets, reduce your intake of processed, high calorie foods, support the humane treatment of animals, promote sustainability, reduce gas emissions from the transport of your food from farm, factory to store (if you buy local of course). Who knew you could do all that by choosing to eat meatless for one day?! Here are some meatless entrĂ©e suggestions: vegetarian chili, stuffed peppers, pasta, potato pancakes…the list can go on and on now-a-days. There are many meatless options and  recipes out there that you can find just  by searching the internet. Those are just some of the entrees I plan on cooking up this week for dinner! Get involved; take part.


  1. Potato pancakes??!!! Now there's a meal even grandma would approve of!

  2. I know!! I got the idea skimming through some recipes. I think I'll be making them this week. Can't wait to see how they turn out! I've actually never made these by myself before. I'll post pictures.
