
Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Be Grocery Shopping Savvy!

I came across this picture of a bulletin board I created as an educational piece for parents when I completed my dietetic internship at the Women, Infant and Children's Clinic (aka WIC). "Shop the Perimeter of the Store for Healthy Foods." To this day, this message continues to be significant when you grocery shop for yourself and your family. All grocery stores are similar in design and layout. Usually the wholest foods are located around the perimeter of the store with the most processed foods located in the center aisles. Processed foods are most often calorie dense, high in fat and in sugar while whole foods such as fresh produce like fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, lean meats and whole grains are lower in calories and are nutrient rich with vitamins and minerals.

The Dietary Guidelines for Americans 2010 is a communication initiative to help consumers make better food choices. They are communicated through what was the Food Guide Pyramid then what became known as the MyPyramid food groups, but this past summer it was reinvented to MyPlate, a newer communication method for the dietary guidelines. Visit MyPlate at:

Here are the basics:
1. Balance you calories- enjoy your food but eat less and watch your portion sizes.
2. Foods to Increase- make 1/2 your plate fruits and vegetables, make half your grains whole, and switch to fat-free or low-fat (1%) milk (only children or elderly individuals with unexpected weight loss may need extra calories from 2% or whole milk).
3. Foods to Reduce- Compare sodiums in foods and choose ones with the lowest numbers and drink water instead of sugary drinks.

Most of the foods that the Dietary Guidelines encourages us Americans to increase are most often located on the perimeter of the store. Challenge yourself to doing just this during your next shopping trip. Try wholer, fresh foods, cooking from scratch and be creative with the types of meals that you'll make for the week. You'll feel happier, healthier and more satisfied. That's a promise!

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