1. Know what's in your refrigerator and freezer- plan meals around the items you already have in your refrigerator and freezer. Keep this in mind when you are searching through recipes.
2. Make your plate healthy- use a quarter of the plate for protein, another quarter of the plate for grains, and 1/2 the plate for fruits and/or vegetables.
3. Print your menu- write up your menu as you plan to keep you on track. Post it on your refrigerator for you and your family to see.
4. Create your grocery list- write up your grocery list as you decide the recipes you will use or the meals you will be making for the week. Search and clip out any coupons you can use for this grocery store trip.
5. Serve a variety of dishes- plan for a variety of meals throughout the week whether its Italian, Asian, Mexican, American, etc. Mix up the flavors, textures, colors and temperatures of the food items you serve to your family to keep meals enticing. Keep this in the back of your mind when you are planning.
Always keep it simple and sweet and consider the palate and preferences of you and your family!
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